Getting to know Virginia – Surry

We had trouble figuring out what to do for Dad’s birthday this year. He finally decided he wanted to take the ferry from Jamestown over to Surry. It turned out to be a very nice, warm November day.


Once we got to Surry, we had some time to kill before the next ferry came so we drove up the main road a bit. We decided to stop at the Ham Shoppe. We bought some little ham biscuits and cheese crisps and enjoyed them on the little patio they had set up in front.

We enjoyed watching the seagulls and cormorants on the pilings as we waited to push off.


The ferry ride back was much more calm so Dad and I got out and stood in the bow (at the bow? I’m not nautical). These two seagulls caught a ride with us, guess their wings were tired.


We spotted an obelisk on the shore.


A little further down we spotted a statue of John Smith. We’ll have to come back another day and visit those sites. Have I mentioned lately how awesome the zoom is on my camera?


Jamestown Settlement ships


The sky and clouds were so pretty!

There were a ton of cormorants waiting for the ferry to come in.


We had a very nice, enjoyable ride and it was a perfect weather day for it.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Pumpkins 2015

I’ve been having trouble getting motivated lately. All I want to do on weekends is lay on the couch and watch movies. And Halloween was no exception. For the first year in seven years, I didn’t carve pumpkins! WHAT?! I bought them, I just couldn’t muster up the energy to carve them.

Well, I finally got my groove back! Instead of Halloween pumpkins, I decided to do Thanksgiving. Let me just say, 60 seconds into stenciling the turkey, I wanted to give up, it was a very challenging one! I’ve also always wanted to do a cat pumpkin and after the detail on the turkey, this was the easiest cat I had.

Gobble gobble!!
