Getting to know Virginia – The Light of Truth Universal Shrine (aka LOTUS)

I googled “things to do in Virginia” and the LOTUS popped up. It is literally out in the middle of nowhere, through lots of winding rural roads, between Charlottesville and Lynchburg. But once you get there, it is a sight to see! Make sure you have GPS otherwise you’ll get turned around (as I did when the car GPS tried to take me a different way than the phone GPS suggested).

The LOTUS is a temple dedicated to all faiths. Sri Swami Satchidananda opened the shrine in 1986 to honor the Spirit that unifies all the world religions, while celebrating their diversity. He believed that every village should have a temple, and so he built this temple. He says that his religion, “Undoism” is the basic foundation of all religions and faiths. He says “What we practice is found in every faith, every religion. That means we want to be good and do good…We want our lives to be easeful and peaceful so that we can be useful. That is our religion…There is no need to give up your own [religion]. In fact, you should not…but at the same time, love the other fellow’s also.”

In a world so full of hate, this is a sentiment I can stand behind.


I’m not sure what is up those steps, but I wasn’t in the mood to climb up to find out!

I did walk to the shrine and go in though.



Getting to know Virginia – Downtown Bridges (Potter’s bridge)

On an amazingly warm February day, I took a stroll across the new Potter’s bridge (official name T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge). The bridge is named for the late T. Tyler Potterfield, a senior planner in the Richmond Department of Planning and Development Review who was the project manager for the bridge. The project objective was to establish a universally accessible pedestrian and bike path connecting both sides of the James River, specifically Brown’s Island and Manchester.

Canal walk and part of the skyline.




View of the Lee Bridge with the Belle Isle Pedestrian Bridge underneath it.




Lots of turtles!





I then drove up to the Virginia War Memorial to see the views from there.


Train tracks in the lower portion, Potters Bridge in the middle, with the Manchester Bridge at the top.dscn0848

75 degree days in February in Richmond don’t happen very often!!
