Snowy days

   We’ve had two snow storms in two weeks (update 2/13/14 – a third storm has hit!). I hope this is not a sign for the rest of the winter. I like snow, it’s pretty, but I don’t necessarily want to live in it. I’m a so-cal girl, through and through, and had only seen snow up in the mountains, after driving for hours to get there. I didn’t even own a COAT until I moved away to college in Northern Arizona (yes, it does snow in Arizona).

But, now, here I am, living in a state where it snows just about every winter. And never on the weekends. Always during the week. And usually not enough to close our office. Sure, schools will close for a week for 2 inches (yes, I swear on my life, 2 INCHES!), but adults aren’t as important as the kids are. It snows just enough to keep the side-streets slippery, yet juuuuuuust barely passable for work.

Ok, ok, I’ll stop complaining. I can’t deny that it is really pretty when you can actually stop and enjoy it :) Here are some of my favorite snaps throughout the years.

March 2, 2009

The year the cherry blossoms came out really early, and were evilly tricked by mother nature.

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My first ever snowman!

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December 26, 2010


February 19, 2012

I like taking pictures as it’s snowing, I like to watch the flakes coming down. It looks particularly glittery and sparkly at night too.

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January 18, 2013

Was playing with the selective color trait on my new camera.

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January 25, 2013

Footsteps in the snow.


My neighbors like to rev up their 4-wheelers and take the kids for a spin.


March 23, 2013

These were taken at my parent’s house as the snow started to fall. I must have gotten home safely as I actually didn’t remember being at their house in the snow before I started reviewing my snow pictures for this post!

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March 24, 2013

I appreciate the snow more when it sticks to things other than the street. This was a particularly good snow day.

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Stark contrast!

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January 29, 2014

Not a ton of Kodak moments, but the snow was extremely fluffy! It reminded me of the fake snow you buy to sprinkle on your Christmas tree or snowy village collection.


Lots of little critters left their prints in the snow.

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Road leading out of my neighborhood.


Quaint little farm houses.


Puppy dogs checking things out.


January 30, 2014

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*Updated 2/13/14*

We had yet ANOTHER snow storm come through! While this snow is very wet and already melting, we’re expecting another round, and additional inches, of snow later this afternoon. So…OFFICIAL SNOW DAY!

I finally had a chance to walk around the neighborhood and take pictures, but it still isn’t “pretty” snow.

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No one was out playing in the snow, not even the kids!

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Kitty cat who didn’t want to venture out either.


But the birds don’t mind the snow! A house a couple of streets away has a ton of feeders in the front yard.

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Hopefully, they just forgot to take this down in October…I really hope that’s the case…


Miscellaneous observations around the ‘hood.

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I wonder what tomorrow will look like…

Randomness 3

These are truly random, like, I mean, RAN-DOM!

This was taken in Williamsburg at an art festival in 2011. I think any and all places should have this for Dads and Husbands. And maybe Daughters sometimes when Moms drag them to open houses. Just saying :)


I’m actually pretty offended by this, but if they wanted to stir up a reaction, they sure did.


This is in my kitchen. Makes me smile every morning when I make my coffee.


We have what we call “buddy spaces” in our parking garage where they pair you up with a co-worker and the monthly parking is a little bit cheaper than if you had a single spot. The trouble is, I’m usually blocked in. This was taken on a Friday around 5:30. I’m the silver car parked behind all the others. AND THERE AREN’T ANY OTHER CARS IN THE GARAGE!! WHY ME!?!? Happens ALL-THE-TIME!


Um…I don’t know if these were left over from Halloween, but I took this two weeks ago, in January. I don’t know what else to say…


I love to make fruit smoothies and love the pattern it makes.


Took this shot this morning. The light hit the candle holder just right and made it shimmer and sparkle.


FINALLY had an idea for matchbooks! And wine corks! And added some toothpicks for a little asymmetry.
